Barkha's Blog

Let us enlighten ourselves on this journey together!


Is this not a feeling we all experience? Don’t we question ourselves; are we worth being on this planet? Why me? Why am I always the person giving in, sacrificing, compromising? It might look like it is difficult to overcome this feeling because our minds have been trained to think like this either because of our circumstances or our life experiences. We create irrational thoughts and give in to those thoughts in our mind and make it our beliefs.

So often we see ourselves as the victim of the past, rather than the creator of our present situation. This is why life becomes difficult from one moment to the next and self-doubt starts creeping in and making its home in our minds. When we are no longer able to change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves and trust me that changes everything.

Everyone experiences self-doubt at times and it is okay to ask for help when you need it.

So let us understand how we can help ourselves by having self-love by doing self-talk and self-care.

Self Love:

Today self-love has become a buzz word or a trend on social media. Self-love is all about acceptance and appreciating of the self with all our flaws. It is about building a positive relationship with ourselves.

Today if you are struggling with your emotions, please remember that you have survived everything the universe has placed in front of you up to this point. The best day of your life is yet to come. People you haven’t met and things you haven’t experienced are yet to come to you magically when you do not even know.

Life does not always give you the people you want, life gives you the people you need. You will meet people who love you while some will dislike you, hurt you, leave you. Some will stay with you and these are all to make us the person that you are meant to be.

Self-love has to be developed. It is a love for all which is unconditional. Do it with passion and integrity even if no one sees the changes. Do it because we know it is right and not to be applauded by people. For sure it should not be done out of a desperate sense of need. Treat yourself with the kindness you deserve.

True self love is a dynamic and an ongoing journey. It is not a destination but a commitment of growth. Achieving it, embracing it, celebrating the progress, and recognizing that self-love is a continuous evolution.

It is clear to us that self-love is a powerful force that can shape our lives and a journey worth taking. Embrace yourself, your uniqueness, be kind to yourself and cultivate a positive inner dialogue.

Wherever your heart is, wherever your truth is, that is where you will find your reason to smile. Do not let not knowing how it will end keep you from beginning today. The uncertainty chases us out into the open where life’s true magic is waiting for you.

Until next time. Take care of yourselves and be kind and loving.

Self Talk:

Self-talk is the language of the mind. It is the inner dialogue that takes place within our mind. Positive self-talk is replacing positive thoughts for the negative ones floating around in the mind with constructive and uplifting affirmations. It is not what you say to everyone else that determines your life, it is what you whisper to yourself that has the greatest power. Be aware and see what is going around you but most importantly be aware of what is going on within you as well. It greatly impacts our self-esteem and confidence.

Let us inculcate within us to stay away from people who only see things from their own perspective and fail to understand the feelings of others. It is not the stab in the back that hurts you. It’s when you turn around and see who is holding the knife. Always be ready to survive alone. Some people change so suddenly that today you could be the most important person in their life and tomorrow you could be nothing to them and unfortunately that is the reality of life. They can destroy your image, damage your personality, create rumours about you but they can never take away your goodness. Because no matter how they describe you, you will always be admired by those who know you best.

We have to trust the journey without trying to understand it, poking holes in it and accept what is. Yes you might say it is easier said than done but let us atlest try it. We have to let go of what was and have faith in the road ahead. We have to be present and tap into our own hearts and minds which are our internal sources of hope and motivation. This power helps us to once again stand up on our feet and guide us down the road to our backpack of support even when it appears to be lost forever.

Can we be determined and ambitious and do it with love to see our possibilities? Let us not allow it to overpower us as in ‘I am everything and I do not care about anybody’.

Self Care:

Self-care involves anything and everything you do to take care of yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. It could be exercising, taking a relaxing bath, meditating, using essential oils to comfort you – anything you love. The secret lies hidden in your daily routine.

Surrounding yourself with supportive people who believe in you helps us a lot.

Try guided meditation in the beginning leading to breathe meditation for 20 mins every day to tell yourself how to think right in every situation.

Setting boundaries is an essential part of self care. Our brain has to be rewired and has to quit pleasing everyone, fearing change, putting oneself down and overthinking and living in the past. The greatest fear we live with is the opinion of others. The moment we are not afraid of the crowd a great roar arises in our heart, the roar of freedom.

Learning to walk alone and not being scared to travel down the path less travelled is a huge achievement. Let us learn to appreciate every minute of our growth.